
Monday, August 5, 2013

Off The Shelf #4: What I'm Reading and Rereads

Happy Monday! I thought today would be a good day to update you on what's up, since my life has been going through several (minor) changes recently.

What I'm Reading

If you haven't noticed already, I'm reading TWO books instead of one this month! I started doing this on the last day of July, when I was reading Trickster's Queen and The Archive (I just posted the review for it, so you should go check it out!). But I had been too lazy to update the Currently Reading section, so the review might have seemed like it came from nowhere. But, trust me, I actually read it. I just finished it this afternoon.

I have started reading another book, Specials by Scott Westerfeld. It's been a while since I read the first two books, Uglies and Pretties, so we'll see how this review goes (I'll try to Uglies and Pretties in the future so that the whole series of reviews can be posted on here). Now, you might be wondering, "Why are you reading two books at once when you were perfectly content with reading one book?"

That, my dear children, is what I wanted to talk about. If any of you have read Tamora Pierce's books, you'll know that her writing style is very...detailed. She created this whole new world, which means a lot of development. And then all of the development has to be retained throughout the book, not to mention throughout the rest of the series. So it takes a bit more brain power than I'm used to.

Now, I DON'T have a problem understanding the book. That's not what I'm trying to say at all. I'm TRYING to say that, depending on how different the world created is from our lovely Earth, it's harder to absorb all the details of race, society, layout of the new world. And Tortall, although also similar to society today, has many differences; terms, geography, creatures, etc.

So, that aside, toss in some politics. Although politics can be appealing to a great number of people, it certainly doesn't appeal to me. At all. Especially if it's fictitious politics. Mix in a pot full of long, unfamiliar names, a handful of boring details and TADA! Trickster's Queen appears. I COULD just force myself to read it throughout the day, but I find it really hard to read when I'm waiting in a loud, noisy line at the grocery store checkout line, sitting in the room with the TV on, or trying to eavesdrop on people's conversations. I need a nice, quiet place to read without any interruptions to really get into the book, and the one time/place that happens to be is in my bed with the door closed, and my neighbors asleep.

Then I can finally get a good twenty pages in before I fall asleep, bored out of my mind. And NO, I am not going to NOT read it since I'm almost a hundred pages in already. Somehow, I will survive all four-hundred pages...


As far as my future reading plans, I'm thinking of doing maybe a week of rereads. I'll probably reread White Fang and Cannery Row because they're classics and there's such much depth to them that I might not have caught on my first reading. Then I'm thinking of rereading the Magyk series in honor of the last book release! It's probably going to take me more than a week to achieve this, I know. But I'll try my best!

If any of you (no matter how few of you there are) have any suggestions on what I should read, please let me know. I have quite a few books I need to read FOR NOW, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do after that. So, I'd really like your suggestions! You can leave a comment or send me an email, whichever way you like. Make sure it's a YA, no horrors, thrillers, mystery (with exceptions).

So that's all! Have a great rest of your weekend!

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