Title: The One Author: Kiera Cass # of Pages: 323 (hardcover) Genre: YA, Science Fiction, Fantasy Rating: ★★★☆☆ Synopsis: The Selection changed America Singer's life in ways she never could have imagined. Since she entered the competition to become the next princess of Illéa, America has struggled with her feelings for her first love, Aspen—and her growing attraction to Prince Maxon. Now she's made her choice . . . and she's prepared to fight for the future she wants. Review: I'm going to give this book an extra star since it's the last book. Compared to Splintered, this book is golden! Pretty entertaining! And a nice happy ending.
Of course the book isn't perfect. I'm still annoyed with America's and Maxon's personalities. But I suppose they're good together (based on what I've read in this book, since I don't remember much from the other ones, I'm more of an Aspen fan).
This book, or the series as a whole, is a bit shallow.It's just the nature of the story; it can't be helped that I don't like it as much as others do.
"'Please America, you've said and done so many foolish things, I'm surprised you can even be embarrassed anymore" (27).
And she doesn't even fight back. Maxon tries to apologize by saying he didn't mean it like that, but what else would he mean?
"'I can't say it,' I whispered. [The king] responded calmly, 'Then you cannot marry my son...If she cannot follow through with the simplest of tasks, my only conclusion is that she doesn't love you'" (208).
First off, the king is stupid. I don't see how the king came to the conclusion that America not submitting to his will leads to her non-existent love for Maxon. It's not like she would be doing it out of her love for Maxon; she would be doing it for the king and to save her own skin. And I can't believe Maxon and America believed the king's way of thinking either!
I wanted America to fight back in this scene. She could be a sign of rebellion for the lower castes, similarly to Katniss being the Mockingjay for the Districts. The book doesn't need to end in a full-fledged war - I'm not trying to change the book so it's like a copy of The Hunger Games series - but she can use her supporters to her advantage. Obviously, some people agree with America's views, and America is one of the few who speaks out about removing the caste system, self-denfense, etcetera. If the king were to kick America out of the competition, she could indirectly begin a revolution amongst her fans/followers. Even if America were to be charged with treason and were to be executed, there would be an uproar. The king would come off as a tyrant...and the people may start a civil war.
What America could have told the king to solidify her position in the competition was mentioned that, while she was in the castle, the king still has a certain power over her. He could stop doing live broadcasts with her and edit her words (she shouldn't tell him this though). It is easier to control someone who is guarded by people in his command that someone surrounded by her own followers. People are willing to have her as a queen (as shown by the results of the popular polls) and are more likely to be loyal to royalty if she appears to be approved of by the current king and queen.
Could have been better, but if you've liked the series so far, you'll like the last one.
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