
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Book Blog #196: Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

Title: Death of a Salesman
Author: Arthur Miller
# of Pages: 139 (paperback)
Genre: Fiction, Plays, Classics
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Synopsis: Willy Loman, the protagonist of "Death of a Salesman," has spent his life following the American way, living out his belief in salesmanship as a way to reinvent himself. But somehow the riches and respect he covets have eluded him. At age 63, he searches for the moment his life took a wrong turn, the moment of betrayal that undermined his relationship with his wife and destroyed his relationship with Biff, the son in whom he invested his faith. Willy lives in a fragile world of elaborate excuses and daydreams, conflating past and present in a desperate attempt to make sense of himself and of a world that once promised so much.
Review: I've been slacking on my reviews. Even though it's been less than a week since I finished reading this play, I'm already having difficulties recalling my immediate reaction after reading the ending.

The beginning of the script is difficult to read, mostly because it is setting the scene. Since I was traveling during the weekend when I was suppose to be reading this book, I had watched the first half of the movie before I read it (I know; I'm violating my own motto, but plays should be watched not read anyway). The movie really helped me get into the book, although I still haven't finished the movie because I'm waiting to watch it in class. Once you get passed the beginning part of the play, the story flows really well...but it's depressing (like most of the literature I've read for school this year).

It's so short, you could read it in one sitting. I would definitely recommend it!

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