
Saturday, April 10, 2021

Book Blog #295: The Rosie Result by Graeme Simsion


Title: The Rosie Result

Author: Graeme Simsion

# of Pages: 375 (ebook)

Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Humor

Rating: ★★★☆☆

Synopsis: Don Tillman and Rosie Jarman are about to face their most important challenge. Their ten-year-old son, Hudson, is struggling at school: he’s socially awkward and not fitting in. Don’s spent a lifetime trying to fit in—so who better to teach Hudson the skills he needs? The Hudson Project will require the help of friends old and new, force Don to decide how much to guide Hudson and how much to let him be himself, and raise some significant questions about Don’s own identity. Meanwhile, there are multiple distractions to deal with: the Genetics Lecture Outrage, Rosie’s troubles at work, estrangement from his best friend Gene… And opening the world’s best cocktail bar.

Review: This book lands somewhere between 3 stars and 4 stars. I opted for 3 stars since I liked it less than the previous two books. 

Not sure what happened with The Rosie Result; I think there wasn't enough that was new in this book, so the novelty might have worn off. This plot is a lot messier than in the first two book; a lot of characters involved in a whole list of issues. Don even lists them all out at the end of the book; it's literally a list of issues. 

Bill Gates's love for Don Tillman series hasn't gone unnoticed by Simsion; he mentioned Bill Gates directly in the book as well as mentioning the Microsoft and Melinda Gates Foundation. Thought this was an interesting fun fact.

Overall I feel very lukewarm about The Rosie Result. I put reading on this book on hold because I just wasn't interested in the story. If you are a fan of the other two books, you can give this book a try, but I believe the series ran out of steam.

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