Title: The Crimson Crown
Author: Cinda William Chima
# of Pages: 598 (hardback)
Genre: YA, Fantasy, Romance
Rating: ★★★★☆
Synopsis: A thousand years ago, two young lovers were betrayed-Alger Waterlow to his death, and Hanalea, Queen of the Fells, to a life without love.
Now, once again, the Queendom of the Fells seems likely to shatter apart. For young queen Raisa ana'Marianna, maintaining peace even within her own castle walls is nearly impossible; tension between wizards and Clan has reached a fevered pitch. With surrounding kingdoms seeking to prey on the Fells' inner turmoil, Raisa's best hope is to unite her people against a common enemy. But that enemy might be the person with whom she's falling in love.
Through a complicated web of lies and unholy alliances, former streetlord Han Alister has become a member of the Wizard Council of the Fells. Navigating the cut-throat world of blue blood politics has never been more dangerous, and Han seems to inspire hostility among Clan and wizards alike. His only ally is the queen, and despite the perils involved, Han finds it impossible to ignore his feelings for Raisa. Before long, Han finds himself in possession of a secret believed to be lost to history, a discovery powerful enough to unite the people of the Fells. But will the secret die with him before he can use it?
A simple, devastating truth concealed by a thousand-year-old lie at last comes to light in this stunning conclusion to the Seven Realms series.
Review: WHAAAAAAA IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe this; the Seven Relms series is complete. Finished. Done with. No more Raisa, no more Han. Not even Micah!
Okay, I'll try to talk about the cover. I haven't actually looked at it very much. But if you actually look at the details, it's pretty amazing. The little fire and magic in the background = fantastic. I love little details like that.
I actually thought this book was a little bland, but it might have been because I didn't read it right after I read The Gray Wolf Throne. The first 100 pages were kind of boring. At first I didn't like the whole dance/celebration thing they were doing, but the thought of Raisa and Han doing that Demon King/Hanalea dance started to grow on me. A lot. It's amazing how I went from Team Amon in the beginning to Team Han now.
I don't know what Chima did with her writing style, but I found that its easier to picture the characters. For example, Han was just a name to me in the first three books. But now I picture him as tall, handsome, and a whole handful of other descriptive words that I probably have got wrong. And Micah, I can faintly see him, but not his face. Everyone else is still a blurry mass of skin. It's funny, I never thought of how easily I can picture characters before. And that goes for any book.
What I really didn't like (it took a lot of sitting around and thinking before I finally found something I DIDN'T like about this book) was how Raisa was so easily deceived. When will she learn not to trust Micah? Jeez.
I expected more out of The Crimson Crown. It's suppose to be the "big ending". The finale. Te thing that leaves the reader in stunded silence, or in a puddle of tears, or a—you get my point. But, even though I didn't actually predict it this time, the ending wasnt a big surprise to me. It wasn't like Eona where I feel like I'm being slapped in the face with twist and turns (I think that's the only time when I would be okay being slapped in the face). I'm a little disappointed that my prediction for Queen Marianna's killer didn't come true. I thought I had that one in the bag. But, I guess I can't win them all!
Because the ending was very anticlimactic, I'm taking off a half of a star. Sorry Chima!
Read the original post here!
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