Title: Trickster's Queen
Author: Tamora Pierce
# of Pages: 469 (hardback)
Genre: YA, Fantasy, Magic
Rating: ★☆☆☆☆
Synopsis:The stage is set for revolution...
Aly: no longer just a master spy, but a master of spies. Can she balance her passion for justice and her compassion for others, and at what cost?
Sarai: beautiful, dramatic, and rash - will she fulfill the role chosen for her by destiny?
Dove: she has always stood in Sarai's shadow. Can she prove to the world that she herself is a force to be reckoned with?
Nawat: half crow, half man. He wants Aly for his life mate, but will the revolution make that impossibly as they stop into new roles to change the future?
Review:I have a confession to make. I didn't actually finish the book.
I spent weeks trying to get through it, but I just couldn't. There was a lot of politics and observing...I suppose it was just a bunch of build up for something big in the end. Unfortunately, it didn't build UP, it built down.
I'll be frank; it was boring.
There was too many details on unimportant things, making me fall asleep after reading a paragraph. And it doesn't help that the cover looks like crap. Sorry...that might have been a little harsh.
Just don't read this series. Ever. I won't be continuing with it
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