Title: The Royal Ranger Author: John Flanagan # of Pages: 464 (hardback) Genre: YA, Adventure, Fantasy Rating: ★★★★★ Synopsis: After a senseless tragedy destroys his life, Will is obsessed with punishing those responsible - even if it means leaving the Ranger Corps. His worried friends must find a way to stop him taking such a dark path.
It is Halt who suggests the solution: Will must take an apprentice. The candidate Halt has in mind surprises everyone - and it's a request Will cannot refuse.
Training a rebellious, unwilling apprentice is hard enough. But when a routine mission uncovers a shocking web of crime, Will must decide where his priorities lie - finishing his quest for revenge, or saving innocent lives?
Review: I can't believe it's really over. HOW IT CAN IT BE OVER AFTER ALL THIS TIME?!?! Twelve wonderful works of art, just to never hear from them again. Unless their mentioned in the Brotherband series, of course. But I think that series might take place in a different time period...?
Anyway, I was defiantly teary-eyed when I read the first half of the book. The death of Crowley was shocking and really emphasized how much time has passed since the eleventh book. And in the very beginning, when Will said the a Courier died in a fire, I had a sneaking suspicion that it was Alyss. But when Flanagan confirmed it, I was heart-broken. Of all the people, it had to be Will's wife. He deserves to be HAPPY! He had a rough childhood; at least allow him to have a happy marriage!!! Honestly, I was a worried as Halt, Gilan, Pauline, Horace, and Cassandra; I didn't want Will to be so unhappy.
But when Will took Maddie as an apprentice, it brought back so many memories. But, like Will, I was a little disappointed how experienced Maddie already was in the beginning of her training. I was hoping that she would try to use the bow without an arm-guard.
And, yes, in case any of you were wondering, I am a little too attached to the series.
But what the heck was the remaining half? Will and Maddie go on a simple mission; to stop a ring of slave traders. Yet they almost DIE! I don't know about any of you, but compared to the other missions Will has been on, it seemed like a pretty easy job.
And the epilogue!!! I wanted it to be about Will, not Maddie. She's just a new character; I don't feel as much compassion toward her as I do Will and Halt. It's great to have the "new beginnings" feel for the ending...but it wasn't a big "WOW" feel I was looking for. So, in that way, I am unhappy with the book.
Yes! I recommend this book! If you've gotten this far, you might as well read this book anyway. Finish of the series...and be amazed.
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