Title: The Notorious Benedict Arnold
Author: Steve Sheinkin
# of Pages: 368 (paperback)
Genres: YA, Non-fiction, Biography
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Synopsis: Most people know that Benedict Arnold was America’s first, most notorious traitor. Few know that he was also one of its greatest war heroes. This accessible biography introduces young readers to the real Arnold: reckless, heroic, and driven. Packed with first-person accounts, astonishing battle scenes, and surprising twists, this is a gripping and true adventure tale.
Review: I had attempted to read this book first in January 2014. I gave up, but decided to give it another shot earlier this month (around September 7).
I've finally finished it.
I'm not really into history, and I had very little interest (and knowledge) on the topic of Benedict Arnold. But it was pretty interesting. Steve Sheinkin is a wonderful writer when it comes to the dry history stuff.
It wouldn't be exactly my first choice for a recreational reading - but then again, I don't usually read non-fiction for fun. If you need/want to read a non-fiction book (assuming that you don't usually read non-fiction for fun either), then I recommend that you give this one a shot!