Title: The Spectacular Now
Author: Tim Tharp
# of Pages: 294 (paperback)
Genre: YA, Contemporary, Realistic Fiction
Rating: ★☆☆☆☆
Synopsis: So, my girlfriend, Cassidy, is threatening to kick me to the curb again, my best friend suddenly wants to put the brakes on our lives of fabulous fun, my mom and big sister are plotting a future in which I turn into an atomic vampire, and my dad, well, my dad is a big fat question mark that I’m not sure I want the answer to.
Some people would let a senior year like this get them down. Not me. I’m Sutter Keely, master of the party. But don’t mistake a midnight philosopher like me for nothing more than a shallow party boy. Just ask Aimee, the new girl in my life. She saw the depth in the Sutterman from that first moment when she found me passed out on the front lawn. Okay, so she’s a social disaster, but that’s where I come in.
Yes, life is weird, but I embrace the weird. Let everyone else go marching off into their great shining futures if they want. Me, I’ve always been more than content to tip my whisky bottle and take a ride straight into the heart of the spectacular now.
Review: I didn't even know this book existed until I heard about the movie. I didn't know about the movie until I watched the movies TFIOS and Divergent. I wasn't really interested in watching the movie, but when I saw The Spectacular Now at the book store, I figured that I'd better read it in case I happen to watch it some time in the future.
Going into the book, I didn't really know to much about the plot. By briefly scanning the synopsis, it seemed to be a typical slice-of-life novel, which are usually enjoyable to read. But I couldn't get into TSN. I couldn't connect at all with any of the characters, and the plot wasn't interesting enough to draw me in. I went days straight without reading just because I didn't feel like reading it. Even the ending, which sometimes saves books from receiving a two star rating from me, fell flat. Maybe it was too realistic? Even so, an ending could be realistic without leaving the reader feeling dissatisfied.
Not recommended .
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