Author: Lauren Oliver
# of Pages: 441 (paperback)
Genre: YA, Dystopian, Romance
Rating: ★★★★☆
Synopsis: They say that the cure for Love will make me happy and safe forever.
And I've always believed them.
Until now.
Now everything has changed. Now, I'd rather be infected with love for the tiniest sliver of a second than live a hundred years smothered by a lie.
Lena looks forward to receiving the government-mandated cure that prevents the delirium of love and leads to a safe, predictable, and happy life, until ninety-five days before her eighteenth birthday and her treatment, when she falls in love.
And I've always believed them.
Until now.
Now everything has changed. Now, I'd rather be infected with love for the tiniest sliver of a second than live a hundred years smothered by a lie.
Lena looks forward to receiving the government-mandated cure that prevents the delirium of love and leads to a safe, predictable, and happy life, until ninety-five days before her eighteenth birthday and her treatment, when she falls in love.
Now, before I begin, let me start off by saying that I absolutely adore dystopian novels. I've been reading as many as I could get my hands on (which, unfortunately, hasn't been that many because, apparently, everyone else likes science fiction too). I received this book as a present recently because it "got really high praise." Overjoyed, I began reading it right away. But I noticed several things. Usually, when reading a good science fiction novel, (or any well-written novel), I'm immediately ensnared into the plot, constantly craving more. Delirium? Not so much. Although the book was interesting, I found the whole story line a little....shallow. It might just be me, but I think that it has something to do with the major love factor. Don't get me wrong; I love to read romances every once in a while. There are plenty of good ones out there. But love is one of the easiest, yet hardest topic to write about. And I felt that the story just kept going on and on without a climax. I plan on reading the sequel because authors tend to improve their writing style as the series goes along. Or not. We'll see.
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