Despite the fact that, in my review, I showed cleared distaste for many components of the book, I had very high hopes for the movie. When a story is in the form of a book, the reader is the one interpreting the story, making the scenery, characters, etc. in his or her mind based on how the author describes it. But on the screen, it's someone else's interpretation of the story. It's going to be different, even slightly, from the movie.
I was shocked. Everything seemed exactly the opposite. In the book, I hated Clary with a burning passion and loved everyone else, especially Jace. But in the movie, I LOVED Clary! Jace seemed like he was trying to be hot or something (I really hated his hair). Everyone else was just a bunch of background characters. Nothing important.
And then there was the kiss. I never realized how the kiss really played out until I saw it on the big screen. Every single person in the theater was cracking up (me included) when the sprinklers turned out. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go see it. You'll understand.
One thing I didn't expect was the humor. I knew from the book that there were a few clever/witty remarks that might pass as funny, but the movie is something else entirely. I laughed a lot more than I thought I was, and I probably laughed at some of the parts that weren't suppose to be that funny. But, hey, as long as I enjoy it, right?
The movie isn't my favorite. I think it could have been better. But I wasn't as bad I as feared it was going to be. Everyone should defiantly go see it.
Now, the other day, I made a stop on the way home to my local bookstore. Why? Because I knew I was going to see the City of Bones movie soon and that I'd probably want to read City of Ashes afterward. I rush over to the teen section and see a table stacked with Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices books.
Only to find that City of Ashes is missing from the stack. There was plenty of Infernal Devices books, about twenty copies of City of Bones, ten copies of City of Glass, and a few of City of Fallen Angels and City of Lost Souls, but not a single copy of City of Ashes.
What's up with that? Obviously, everyone was like me and decided to pick up a copy of City of Ashes on the way home. So, I won't be able to read it anytime soon. Don't expect a review for it anytime soon.
But, yeah, after watching the movie, I have high hopes for the Mortal Instruments. Maybe I'll actually like Clary in the books to come. Writing styles are always improving, especially throughout a series. If you haven't seen the movie, go see it. If you have City of Ashes, give it to me!
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