Tuesday, February 4, 2014

OTS #8: Release of Cress

Happy Tuesday!

I haven't had that much time to read, so I apologize for the lack of book blogs. Right now I am reading Physik and Obsidian at the same time. Since I'm rereading Physik (and because it's written for a younger audience) it hasn't been holding my interest as much, so it's hard to get through it when I only have a small amount of time to read it. Obsidian is pretty good; it started off slow, but I'm beginning to like it. You can view my reading progress here

So, after finishing up The Importance of Being Ernest review, I was scrolling through the recent updates on Goodreads. I found that someone had voted on a poll that was sponsored by Cress, the third book in the Lunar Chronicles. I wasn't aware that it came out, so, curious, I looked at the release date for the book.

The book came out today. And I didn't even know it. I'm so disappointed in myself.

To make up for my ignorance, I decided to blog about it today. The cover (if you can see it in the screenshot that I took) is gorgeous!!! I really want to read Cress, but I don't think my local library will have it yet. *sigh* I guess I'll just have to wait a while. I promise that I'll try my best to find a copy of the book and review it ASAP. 

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