Title: The Woman Who Rides Like a Man
Author: Tamora Pierce
# of Pages: 256 (hardcover)
Genre: YA, Fantasy, Adventure
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Synopsis: Newly knighted, Alanna of Trebond seeks adventure in the vast desert of Tortall. Captured by fierce desert dwellers, she is forced to prove herself in a duel to the death -- either she will be killed or she will be inducted into the tribe. Although she triumphs, dire challenges lie ahead. As her mythic fate would have it, Alanna soon becomes the tribe's first female shaman -- despite the desert dwellers' grave fear of the foreign woman warrior. Alanna must fight to change the ancient tribal customs of the desert tribes -- for their sake and for the sake of all Tortall.
Review: Okay, you guys. What is up with this cover? I wanted the cover that corresponded with the other books, but this was the only one available. Alanna looks like a girl Santa Clause with all the red and green. And what's with the weird title? I get that Alanna was called that with the tribes, but its not going to bring in readers. I wouldn't even touch it if I was already reading this series.
Now let's go onto the good stuff; my rant.
What is up with the Alanna and Johnathan drama? It was a lot of kissing, fighting, making up, and all of that over. There was so much of it that there wasn't a very big climax in the story (I don't even know what the climax for this story IS).
Now, I might be biased here, but I think George is the better choice for her. But, then again, he might be too good for her.
John's and Throm's character changed so much from what I originally thought they were. They have both become less like-able. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, I'll leave that up to you to decide,
Some stuff that I DID like about this book was the big, foreshadowing-ish dream that Alanna had. I don't want to spoil it for anyone but...she dreamed that Throm would bring Roger back to life. That was the only shocking, mind-blowing thing in the whole book. I also liked the stuff that is also in the Beka Cooper trilogy. For example, the light-up-the-rock-thing that Alanna did was also done by Farmer in Mastiff. I love the Beka Cooper series soooooooo much.
But this book was very bland.
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